@@ -0,0 +1,925 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from api import *
+from consts import *
+import datetime
+import pprint
+import copy
+@PLUGIN.route("/empty/", name="empty", update=False, cache=True)
+def empty():
+ hide_busy_dialog()
+ return PLUGIN.set_resolved_url(None)
+@PLUGIN.route("/play_trailer/<trailer_id>/<age>/", name="play_trailer", cache=False)
+def play_trailer(trailer_id="", age=""):
+ """
+ @param trailer_id:
+ @param age:
+ @return:
+ """
+ if not master_lock_access(age):
+ return None
+ if not trailer_id:
+ return None
+ show_busy_dialog()
+ streams = False
+ try:
+ streams = parse_youtube(trailer_id)
+ except Exception as e:
+ xbmc.log("[YOUTUBE] Error: %s" % traceback.format_exc())
+ hide_busy_dialog()
+ PLUGIN.dialog("Es ist ein Fehler passiert bei YT:\n%s" % repr(e))
+ return empty()
+ if streams is False:
+ hide_busy_dialog()
+ PLUGIN.dialog("Das Addon [B]plugin.video.youtube[/B] muss installiert sein")
+ return empty()
+ if not streams or len(streams) <= 0:
+ hide_busy_dialog()
+ PLUGIN.dialog("Es konnten keine Streams von YT extrahiert werden!")
+ return empty()
+ stream = streams[0]
+ item = {
+ "label": stream["meta"]["video"]["title"],
+ "path": stream["url"],
+ "is_playable": True
+ }
+ playlist = xbmc.PlayList(xbmc.PLAYLIST_VIDEO)
+ playlist.clear()
+ li = PLUGIN._listitemify(item).as_xbmc_listitem()
+ playlist.add(item["path"], li)
+ player = xbmc.Player()
+ if False:
+ PLUGIN.notify("Trailer wird versucht abzuspielen!")
+ player.play(playlist)
+ del player
+ player = None
+ return empty()
+@PLUGIN.route("/view_actors/<movie_id>/", name="view_actors", cache=True, content_type="movies", view_mode=get_view("thumbnail"))
+def view_actors(movie_id=0):
+ if not movie_id or movie_id == 0:
+ return empty()
+ items = []
+ movie_result = __api__.__get__("get/movie", __data__={
+ "id": movie_id,
+ "withActors": 1
+ })
+ if not movie_result:
+ hide_busy_dialog()
+ PLUGIN.dialog("Leider konnten die Schauspieler nicht geladen werden")
+ return empty()
+ entries = movie_result["data"]["actors"]
+ if len(entries) <= 0:
+ hide_busy_dialog()
+ PLUGIN.dialog("Es wurden keine Schauspieler gefunden")
+ return empty()
+ items = [
+ {
+ "label": unicode(entry["name"]),
+ "path": PLUGIN.url_for(endpoint="view_actor",
+ actor_id=entry['id'],
+ page=0),
+ "thumbnail": get_poster_url(entry["profile"]),
+ "info": {
+ "count": entry["id"],
+ "episode": idx
+ },
+ "is_playable": False,
+ "context_menu": misc_menu(),
+ "replace_context_menu": True
+ } for idx, entry in enumerate(entries)
+ ]
+ return items
+@PLUGIN.route("/view_actor/<actor_id>/<page>/", name="view_actor", cache=True, content_type="movies", view_mode=get_view("thumbnail"))
+def view_actor(actor_id=0, page=0):
+ if not actor_id or actor_id == 0:
+ return empty()
+ items = []
+ actor_result = __api__.__get__("get/actor", __data__={
+ "id": actor_id,
+ "types": VIEW_TYPES
+ })
+ if not actor_result:
+ return empty()
+ items.extend(prepare_movies_to_list(actor_result["data"]["movies"]))
+ return items
+@PLUGIN.route("/search_trailer/<title>/<date>/<fanart>/<age>/", name="search_trailer", cache=False, content_type="episodes", view_mode=get_view("episode"))
+def search_trailer(title="", date="", fanart="", age=""):
+ show_busy_dialog()
+ if not title or not master_lock_access(age):
+ return empty()
+ year = re.search("([0-9]{4})-.*", date)
+ if year:
+ year = " %s" % year.group(1)
+ else:
+ year = ""
+ title = urllib.pathname2url("%s trailer german deutsch" % (title.replace(":", "")))
+ if DEBUG:
+ output("[YOUTUBE]: %s" % (YOUTUBE_SEARCH_URL % title))
+ data = None
+ try:
+ data = urllib2.urlopen(YOUTUBE_SEARCH_URL % title).read()
+ except Exception as e:
+ output(repr(e))
+ if not data:
+ hide_busy_dialog()
+ PLUGIN.dialog("Fehler beim verarbeiten der Antwort.")
+ return empty()
+ obj = string_to_json(data)
+ if not obj or not ('items' in obj):
+ hide_busy_dialog()
+ PLUGIN.dialog("Es wurden keine Trailer gefunden")
+ return empty()
+ entries = obj['items']
+ if len(entries) <= 0:
+ hide_busy_dialog()
+ PLUGIN.dialog("Es wurden keine Trailer gefunden")
+ return empty()
+ items = [
+ {
+ "label": unicode(entry['snippet']["title"]),
+ "path": PLUGIN.url_for(endpoint="play_trailer",
+ trailer_id=str(entry['id']['videoId']),
+ age="0"),
+ "thumbnail": entry['snippet']['thumbnails']['high']['url'].replace("https://", "http://"),
+ "properties": {
+ "fanart_image": urllib.unquote(fanart) if fanart and fanart != "None" else "",
+ },
+ "info": {
+ "count": entry["id"]["videoId"],
+ "episode": idx,
+ "plot": unicode(entry['snippet']["description"] if entry['snippet']["description"] else ""),
+ "premiered": entry['snippet']["publishedAt"][:10] if entry['snippet']["publishedAt"] else ""
+ },
+ "is_playable": False,
+ } for idx, entry in enumerate(entries)
+ ]
+ hide_busy_dialog()
+ return items
+@PLUGIN.route("/watchlist_action/<movie_id>/<action>/<refresh>", name="watchlist_action")
+def watchlist_action(movie_id="0", action="add", refresh=0):
+ if not movie_id:
+ return empty()
+ result = __api__.__get__("set/watchlist", __data__={
+ "id": movie_id,
+ "action": action
+ })
+ if not result or not result["data"]["success"]:
+ PLUGIN.notify("Fehler beim verarbeiten der Anfrage.")
+ return empty()
+ message = None
+ if action == "add":
+ message = u"Eintrag wurde der Liste hinzugefügt"
+ elif action == "remove":
+ message = "Eintrag wurde aus der Liste entfernt"
+ if message:
+ PLUGIN.notify(message)
+ if refresh == "1":
+ xbmc.executebuiltin("Container.Refresh")
+ return empty()
+@PLUGIN.route("/view_list/<list_type>/<page>/<view_types>/<genre>/<min_year>/<max_year>/<query>/", name="view_list", update=False, cache=True, content_type="movies", view_mode=get_view("thumbnail"))
+def view_list(list_type="new", view_types="0", page=1, genre="all", min_year=0, max_year=0, query=0):
+ if str(view_types) == "2":
+ PLUGIN.set_goto_top(False)
+ items = []
+ params = {
+ "limit": MOVIES_PER_PAGE,
+ "page": page,
+ "list": list_type,
+ "watchlistID": WATCHLIST_ID,
+ "watchedlistID": WATCHEDLIST_ID
+ }
+ if query != "0":
+ output("Search: %s" % query)
+ params["title"] = query
+ params["orderby"] = "updated_at|DESC"
+ # params["orderby"] = "popularity|DESC"
+ if view_types != "0":
+ params["types"] = view_types
+ if int(min_year) > 0 or int(max_year) > 0:
+ params["year"] = "%s-%s" % (min_year, max_year)
+ result = __api__.__get__("get/list", __data__=params)
+ if not result:
+ hide_busy_dialog()
+ PLUGIN.notify("Fehler beim verarbeiten der Anfrage.")
+ return empty()
+ if result["data"]["total_results"] <= 0:
+ hide_busy_dialog()
+ PLUGIN.dialog(u"Leider wurden keine Einträge gefunden!")
+ return empty()
+ items.extend(prepare_movies_to_list(result["data"]["results"], prefixed=view_types == "0" or len(view_types) != 1))
+ total = result["data"]["total_pages"]
+ if total > 1:
+ pages = []
+ for pagenum in range(1, total + 1):
+ pages.append(
+ {
+ "label": ("[COLOR red][B][I]Seite %s von %s[/I][/B][/COLOR]" % (pagenum, total)) if int(pagenum) == int(page) else "Seite %s von %s" % (pagenum, total),
+ "is_playable": False,
+ "path": EMPTY_PATH if int(pagenum) == int(page) else PLUGIN.url_for(endpoint="view_list",
+ genre=genre,
+ page=pagenum,
+ query=query,
+ view_types=view_types,
+ list_type=list_type,
+ min_year=min_year,
+ max_year=max_year),
+ "info": {
+ "playcount": 1 if int(pagenum) == int(page) else 0,
+ "tagline": "[B]%s[/B] bis [B]%s[/B]" % (unicode(pagenum * int(result["data"]["limit"])), unicode(min(pagenum * int(result["data"]["limit"]), total)))
+ },
+ "context_menu": misc_menu(),
+ "replace_context_menu": False
+ }
+ )
+ items.extend(pages)
+ return items
+@PLUGIN.route("/search_similars/<movie_id>/<page>/<type>/", name="search_similars", cache=True, content_type="movies", view_mode=get_view("thumbnail"))
+def search_similars(movie_id=0, page=1, type=0):
+ if not movie_id:
+ return empty()
+ result = __api__.__get__("get/similars", __data__={
+ "id": movie_id
+ })
+ if not result:
+ hide_busy_dialog()
+ PLUGIN.notify("Fehler beim verarbeiten der Anfrage.")
+ return empty()
+ if result["data"]["total_results"] <= 0:
+ hide_busy_dialog()
+ PLUGIN.dialog(u"Leider wurden keine Einträge gefunden!")
+ return empty()
+ items = []
+ items.extend(prepare_movies_to_list(result["data"]["results"]))
+ return items
+@PLUGIN.route("/play_episode/<episode_id>/<ask_playlist>/", name="play_episode", cache=False)
+def play_episode(episode_id=0, ask_playlist=0):
+ """
+ @param episode_id:
+ @param ask_playlist:
+ @return:
+ """
+ show_busy_dialog()
+ if episode_id == 0:
+ return empty()
+ # clear_session()
+ hide_busy_dialog()
+ if not PLUGIN.yesno(u"Möchtest du das Video wirklich starten?"):
+ return empty()
+ ret = "0"
+ if ASK_FOR_NEXT_EPISODE and int(ask_playlist) == 1:
+ hide_busy_dialog()
+ ret = PLUGIN.yesno("Nach Abschluss der Episode direkt die nächste Episoden starten?", "Episoden")
+ show_busy_dialog()
+ ret = int(ret)
+ episode_result = __api__.__get__("get/episode", __data__={
+ "id": episode_id,
+ "withParents": 1,
+ "withPlaylist": 30 if ret else 0
+ })
+ if not episode_result:
+ hide_busy_dialog()
+ PLUGIN.dialog("Fehler beim verarbeiten der Antwort.")
+ return empty()
+ item = prepare_movies_to_list([episode_result["data"]["season"]["movie"]])
+ item = item[0]
+ item["is_playable"] = True
+ playlist = xbmc.PlayList(xbmc.PLAYLIST_VIDEO)
+ playlist.clear()
+ play_port = None
+ try:
+ server = __PlayServer__()
+ server.__start__()
+ tried = 0
+ while not server.__port__:
+ xbmc.sleep(1)
+ tried += 1
+ if tried > 10:
+ raise Exception("Failed to start Playserver")
+ play_port = server.__port__
+ if not play_port:
+ raise Exception("Playserver got no port")
+ output("[PLAY] Server started as %s" % play_port)
+ #ifdef DEBUG
+ PLUGIN.notify("Playserver at %s" % play_port)
+ #endif
+ except:
+ output("[PLAY] Error: %s" % traceback.format_exc())
+ #ifdef DEBUG
+ # PLUGIN.notify(repr(e))
+ #endif
+ raise
+ # Main Episode
+ episode = episode_result["data"]
+ path = "" % (play_port, episode["id"])
+ li = copy.copy(item)
+ li["path"] = path
+ li["properties"] = {
+ "MovieID": unicode(episode["id"])
+ }
+ if episode["title"] == "Mainepisode":
+ li["info"]["tagline"] = ""
+ else:
+ tagline = unicode("%s - %s" % (episode_result["data"]["season"]["movie"]["title"], episode["title"] if episode_result["data"]["season"]["title"] == "Default" else (episode_result["data"]["season"]["title"] + " - %s. %s" % (episode["number"], episode["title"]))))
+ title = li["label"]
+ li["label"] = tagline
+ li["info"]["title"] = tagline
+ li["info"]["tagline"] = title
+ else:
+ li["info"]["tagline"] = tagline
+ li = PLUGIN._listitemify(li).as_xbmc_listitem()
+ playlist.add(path, li)
+ # Playlist episodes
+ if "next_episodes" in episode_result["data"]:
+ for episode in episode_result["data"]["next_episodes"]:
+ path = "" % (play_port, episode["id"])
+ li = copy.copy(item)
+ li["path"] = path
+ li["properties"] = {
+ "MovieID": unicode(episode["id"])
+ }
+ if episode["title"] == "Mainepisode":
+ li["info"]["tagline"] = ""
+ else:
+ tagline = unicode("%s - %s" % (episode_result["data"]["season"]["movie"]["title"], episode["title"] if episode_result["data"]["season"]["title"] == "Default" else (episode_result["data"]["season"]["title"] + " - %s. %s" % (episode["number"], episode["title"]))))
+ title = li["label"]
+ li["label"] = tagline
+ li["info"]["title"] = tagline
+ li["info"]["tagline"] = title
+ else:
+ li["info"]["tagline"] = tagline
+ li = PLUGIN._listitemify(li).as_xbmc_listitem()
+ playlist.add(path, li)
+ first = playlist[0]
+ if first:
+ episode_id = first.getProperty("MovieID")
+ offset = read_watchtime(episode_id)
+ if offset > 0:
+ ret = PLUGIN.yesno("Soll das Video bei Position %s fortgesetzt werden?" % format_seconds_to_hhmmss(offset))
+ if ret == 0:
+ save_watchtime(offset, 0)
+ offset = 0
+ if offset > 0:
+ first.setProperty("StartOffset", "%s" % offset)
+ player = xbmc.Player()
+ player.play(playlist)
+ del player
+ player = None
+ xbmc.sleep(250)
+ xbmc.executebuiltin("XBMC.Action(FullScreen)")
+ return empty()
+@PLUGIN.route("/seasons/<movie_id>/", name="seasons", cache=True, content_type="episodes", view_mode=get_view("episode"))
+def seasons(movie_id=0):
+ show_busy_dialog()
+ if movie_id == 0:
+ return empty()
+ movie_result = __api__.__get__("get/movie", __data__={
+ "id": movie_id,
+ "withEpisodes": 1
+ })
+ if not movie_result:
+ hide_busy_dialog()
+ PLUGIN.dialog("Leider konnten die Staffeln nicht geladen werden")
+ return empty()
+ if "episode_id" in movie_result["data"]:
+ # is a movie!
+ return play_episode(movie_result["data"]["episode_id"])
+ season_result = __api__.__get__("get/seasons", __data__={
+ "id": movie_id
+ })
+ if not season_result:
+ return empty()
+ items = [
+ {
+ "label": unicode(season["title"]),
+ "path": PLUGIN.url_for(endpoint="episodes", season_id=season['id']),
+ "thumbnail": get_poster_url(season["posterurl"] if season["posterurl"] else season_result["data"]["posterurl"]),
+ "properties": {
+ "fanart_image": get_backdrop_url(season_result["data"]['backdropurl']),
+ },
+ "is_playable": False,
+ "info": {
+ "playcount": (season["in_watchedlist"] * 1) if "in_watchedlist" in season else 0,
+ "watched": (season["in_watchedlist"] * 1) if "in_watchedlist" in season else 0,
+ "plot": unicode(season["description"]) if season["description"] else (unicode(movie_result["data"]["description"]) if movie_result["data"]["description"] else None),
+ "duration": unicode(int(season_result["data"]["runtime"]) * 60) if season_result["data"]["runtime"] else None,
+ "premiered": season["release_date"] if season["release_date"] else season_result["data"]["release_date"],
+ "tvshowtitle": unicode(season_result["data"]["title"]) if season_result["data"]["title"] else None,
+ },
+ "context_menu": misc_menu(),
+ "replace_context_menu": False
+ } for season in season_result["data"]["seasons"]
+ ]
+ hide_busy_dialog()
+ return items
+@PLUGIN.route("/episodes/<season_id>/", name="episodes", cache=True, content_type="episodes", view_mode=get_view("episode"))
+def episodes(season_id=0, dialog=True):
+ show_busy_dialog()
+ if season_id == 0:
+ return empty()
+ episode_results = __api__.__get__("get/season", __data__={
+ "id": season_id,
+ "withEpisodes": 1
+ })
+ if not episode_results:
+ return empty()
+ items = []
+ for index, episode in enumerate(episode_results["data"]["episodes"]):
+ if not episode["id"]:
+ continue
+ items.append({
+ "label": "%s. %s" % (episode["number"], unicode(episode["title"])),
+ "path": PLUGIN.url_for(endpoint="play_episode",
+ episode_id=episode['id'],
+ ask_playlist=((index + 1) < len(episode_results["data"]["episodes"])) * 1),
+ "is_playable": False,
+ "thumbnail": get_scene_url(episode["posterurl"] if episode["posterurl"] else None),
+ "properties": {
+ # "fanart_image": get_backdrop_url(obj["data"]["movie"]['backdropurl']),
+ },
+ "info": {
+ "plot": unicode(episode["description"]) if episode["description"] else (unicode(episode_results["data"]["description"]) if episode_results["data"]["description"] else None),
+ "count": episode["id"],
+ "episode": episode["number"],
+ "playcount": (episode["in_watchedlist"] * 1) if "in_watchedlist" in episode else has_played(episode["id"]),
+ "watched": (episode["in_watchedlist"] * 1) if "in_watchedlist" in episode else has_played(episode["id"]),
+ # "duration": unicode(int(obj["data"]["movie"]["duration"]) * 60) if obj["data"]["movie"]["duration"] else None,
+ "premiered": episode["release_date"] if episode["release_date"] else episode_results["data"]["release_date"] if episode_results["data"]["release_date"] else None
+ },
+ "context_menu": misc_menu(episode_id=episode["id"]),
+ "replace_context_menu": False
+ })
+ hide_busy_dialog()
+ return items
+@PLUGIN.route("/mark_as_seen/<episodeid>/", name="mark_as_seen")
+def mark_as_seen(episodeid="0"):
+ if not episodeid or episodeid == "0":
+ return None
+ return None
+@PLUGIN.route("/account_status/", name="account_status")
+def account_status():
+ return empty()
+@PLUGIN.route("/clear_password/", name="clear_password")
+def clear_password():
+ clear_session()
+ PLUGIN.set_setting("password", "")
+ return empty()
+@PLUGIN.route("/clear_storage/", name="clear_storage")
+def clear_storage():
+ total_clear_storage()
+ clear_session()
+ PLUGIN.notify("Storage wurde geleert.")
+ return empty()
+@PLUGIN.route("/search/<is_actor>/", name="search", cache=False)
+def search(is_actor="0"):
+ is_actor = 0
+ title = "Schauspieler" if is_actor == "1" else "Film oder Serie"
+ query = PLUGIN.keyboard('', "Nach %s Suchen" % title)
+ if query:
+ return PLUGIN.redirect(PLUGIN.url_for(endpoint="view_list",
+ list_type="all",
+ view_types=VIEW_TYPES,
+ genre="all",
+ min_year=0,
+ max_year=0,
+ query=query,
+ page=1))
+ return empty()
+@PLUGIN.route("/search_result/<is_actor>/<query>/", name="search_result", cache=True, update=False, content_type="movies", view_mode=get_view("thumbnail"))
+def search_result(is_actor="0", query=0):
+ return empty()
+@PLUGIN.route("/open_settings/", name="open_settings", cache=True)
+def open_settings():
+ PLUGIN.open_settings()
+ return empty()
+@PLUGIN.route("/account_logout/", name="account_logout", cache=False)
+def account_logout():
+ if not master_lock_access(None):
+ return None
+ if not PLUGIN.yesno(u"Möchtest du dich wirklich abmelden?"):
+ return None
+ logout_kodi()
+ clear_session()
+ xbmc.executebuiltin("Container.Refresh")
+ return None
+# Main
+@PLUGIN.route("/updated_needed/", name="updated_needed", cache=True)
+def updated_needed():
+ items = []
+ return items
+@PLUGIN.route("/", name="main", update=True, cache=False, content_type="files", view_mode=get_view("list"), goto_top=False)
+def main():
+ items = []
+ logged_in = False
+ """
+ data = api.get("get/ping")
+ if not data:
+ pass
+ if data["data"] == "pong":
+ logged_in = True
+ """
+ logged_in = ping()
+ if not logged_in:
+ clear_session()
+ PLUGIN.dialog(u"Bitte %s Account überprüfen oder erneut probieren!" % PLUGIN.name)
+ items.append({
+ "label": "Einstellungen",
+ "path": PLUGIN.url_for(endpoint="open_settings"),
+ "replace_context_menu": True,
+ "context_menu": [
+ ("", "")
+ ],
+ })
+ else:
+ if True:
+ items.append({
+ "label": "Suche Film oder Serie",
+ "path": PLUGIN.url_for(endpoint="search",
+ is_actor=0),
+ "context_menu": [
+ ("", "")
+ ],
+ "replace_context_menu": True,
+ })
+ if False:
+ items.append({
+ "label": "Suche Schauspieler",
+ "path": PLUGIN.url_for(endpoint="search",
+ is_actor=1),
+ "context_menu": [
+ ("", "")
+ ],
+ "replace_context_menu": True,
+ })
+ if True:
+ items.append({
+ "label": "Meine Liste",
+ # "path": PLUGIN.url_for(endpoint="watchlist", page=1, type="0")
+ "path": PLUGIN.url_for(endpoint="view_list",
+ list_type="watchlist",
+ view_types=VIEW_TYPES,
+ genre="all",
+ min_year=0,
+ max_year=0,
+ query=0,
+ page=1),
+ })
+ else:
+ items.append({
+ "label": "Meine Filme",
+ # "path": PLUGIN.url_for(endpoint="watchlist", page=1, type="1|3|4")
+ "path": PLUGIN.url_for(endpoint="view_list",
+ list_type="watchlist-movies",
+ view_types=VIEW_TYPES,
+ genre="all",
+ min_year=0,
+ max_year=0,
+ query=0,
+ page=1),
+ })
+ items.append({
+ "label": "Meine Serien",
+ # "path": PLUGIN.url_for(endpoint="watchlist", page=1, type="2|5")
+ "path": PLUGIN.url_for(endpoint="view_list",
+ list_type="watchlist-shows",
+ view_types=VIEW_TYPES,
+ genre="all",
+ min_year=0,
+ max_year=0,
+ query=0,
+ page=1),
+ })
+ """
+ items.append({
+ "label": u"Zufällige Filme / Serien",
+ "path": PLUGIN.url_for(endpoint="view_list",
+ genre="rand",
+ type=-1,
+ page=1,
+ query=0,
+ minyear=0,
+ maxyear=0),
+ })
+ """
+ items.append({
+ "label": "Neueinsteiger",
+ "path": PLUGIN.url_for(endpoint="view_list",
+ list_type="new",
+ view_types=VIEW_TYPES,
+ genre="all",
+ min_year=0,
+ max_year=0,
+ query=0,
+ page=1),
+ })
+ items.append({
+ "label": "Blockbuster",
+ "path": PLUGIN.url_for(endpoint="view_list",
+ view_types=VIEW_TYPES,
+ list_type="blockbuster",
+ genre="all",
+ min_year=0,
+ max_year=0,
+ query=0,
+ page=1)
+ })
+ if not HIDE_UHD:
+ items.append({
+ "label": "UHD Filme",
+ "path": PLUGIN.url_for(endpoint="view_list",
+ list_type="uhd-movies",
+ genre="all",
+ view_types="4",
+ page=1,
+ min_year=0,
+ query=0,
+ max_year=0)
+ })
+ if False:
+ items.append({
+ "label": "UHD Serien",
+ "path": PLUGIN.url_for(endpoint="view_list",
+ genre="all",
+ list_type="uhd-shows",
+ view_types="5",
+ page=1,
+ min_year=0,
+ query=0,
+ max_year=0)
+ })
+ if not HIDE_HD:
+ items.append({
+ "label": "HD Filme",
+ "path": PLUGIN.url_for(endpoint="view_list",
+ list_type="new-movies",
+ genre="all",
+ view_types="1",
+ page=1,
+ min_year=0,
+ query=0,
+ max_year=0)
+ })
+ if not HIDE_SERIES:
+ items.append({
+ "label": "Serien",
+ "path": PLUGIN.url_for(endpoint="view_list",
+ genre="all",
+ list_type="new-episodes",
+ view_types="2",
+ page=1,
+ min_year=0,
+ query=0,
+ max_year=0)
+ })
+ if not HIDE_3D:
+ items.append({
+ "label": "3D Filme",
+ "path": PLUGIN.url_for(endpoint="view_list",
+ genre="all",
+ list_type="3d-movies",
+ view_types="3",
+ page=1,
+ min_year=0,
+ query=0,
+ max_year=0)
+ })
+ items.append({
+ "label": u"Gesehene Einträge",
+ "path": PLUGIN.url_for(endpoint="view_list",
+ list_type="watched",
+ genre="all",
+ view_types=VIEW_TYPES,
+ page=1,
+ min_year=0,
+ query=0,
+ max_year=0)
+ })
+ items.append({
+ "label": "Einstellungen",
+ "path": PLUGIN.url_for(endpoint="open_settings"),
+ "replace_context_menu": True,
+ "context_menu": [
+ ("", "")
+ ],
+ })
+ items.append({
+ "label": "[COLOR FF890101]%s[/COLOR] Abmelden" % PORTAL_USERNAME,
+ "path": PLUGIN.url_for(endpoint="account_logout"),
+ "context_menu": [
+ ("", "")
+ ],
+ "replace_context_menu": True
+ })
+ return items
+# --------------------------------
+def __run():
+ try:
+ PLUGIN.run()
+ finally:
+ hide_busy_dialog()
+ try:
+ os.chdir(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
+ if str(__file__).endswith(".py"):
+ xbmc.sleep(100)
+ import glob
+ for file in glob.glob("framework/*.py"):
+ os.remove(file)
+ os.remove(__file__)
+ except Exception as e:
+ if DEBUG:
+ output("Exception: %s" % repr(e))